Smart Garage Uses To Make Money

make money with empty garageFew people would turn down an opportunity to put a few extra dollars in their pocket. Using a little imagination and some elbow grease you may find a gold-mine in your own backyard.

There are a number of ways to make money with empty garage. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

These are just a few ideas describing how to use empty garage.

10 Tips for a More Energy Efficient Garage

Energy Efficient GarageSaving money on fixed costs can help free up those funds for better uses. That’s the case when it comes to home energy concerns, which is why having an energy efficient garage at your disposal can help make that effort so much easier. Listed below are 10 tips on getting the most for your money when it comes to energy usage:


Power Outage? How to Manually Open an Automatic Garage Door

manually open garage doorAutomatic garage door openers are just one of the many ways in which technology has simplified our lives. Still, like most other electronics, garage door openers obviously require power in order to operate, which means they won’t do you any good during a power outage. Luckily, all garage doors are built with a backup mechanism that ensures you can still get your car in and out of the garage when the power goes out.


Creaks, Rattles, and Squeaks: How To Identify Bad Garage Door Noises

garage noiseDuring the course of its use, a garage door moves up and down in a way that shouldn’t require a second thought from the person using this structure. That’s because the garage door noise that reaches the ears offers a boring consistency which indicates that everything is just fine with its operation.


5 Ways to Keep Dirt & Debris Out of Your Garage

Sep 19, 16 • Fall, Garage Tips2 Comments

residential garage doorsOne of the constants for those with garages is that dirt and debris will somehow find their way into this area. With the high winds that are a part of the Texas landscape, there’s little defense against these issues finding their way into someone’s garage. The level of activity in there, the people coming through it and even the condition of the vehicles that reside in there can make it virtually impossible to keep things clean.


Keeping a Hot Garage Cool: What’s the Best Cooling Method

Jul 26, 16 • Garage Tips, NewsNo Comments

garage maintenanceWhen it comes to the dog days of summer, few places seem to be hotter than the vast Texas landscape. Keeping cool is vital to enjoying all that the Lone Star State has to offer both residents and visitors.

For those with residences, having a garage means constantly looking for cool areas while in there. The problem is that most activity within a garage during this period takes place during daytime, the hottest part of the day. So the question then becomes which method is the best option in these circumstances?


10 Preventive Maintenance Tips for Garage Doors

The value of having a garage in anbrown garage door area like North Texas is that it allows a resident to keep a vehicle out of the brutal summer sun. So making sure a garage door is working smoothly should be a regular consideration for a resident, with preventative maintenance the least expensive way of limiting any garage door repair that may be needed. Below are 10 examples of how to keep residential garage doors in good working order. (more…)

DIY Tips to Protect Your Garage from Flooding

Jun 9, 15 • Fall, Garage Tips, NewsNo Comments

garage floodingWhen it comes to making sure that the inside of your garage is protected from the threat of flooding caused by heavy rains or other related disasters, doing such garage waterproofing yourself isn’t really that far-fetched an idea. The money saved is obviously the largest component of such thinking, but time spent performing the necessary tasks really won’t be a prohibitive drain on the pace of your everyday life. (more…)

5 Garage Door Security Tips to Prevent Break-Ins

Garage Door SecurityThe value of having a garage for either your home or business needs is something that many people have a hard time putting a price on. However, that price may turn out to be costly if it turns out that inattention related to residential garage doors was the cause of a break-in that resulted in the loss of not only valuables, but your peace of mind. In situations such as this, it’s important to be aware of steps that you can take to avoid such issues from developing in the first place. Below are five important steps to enhance garage door security (more…)