How to Know When It’s Time to Buy a New Garage Door

buy garage doorThe value of having a garage offers a homeowner or business can be seen in the way it provides multiple opportunities to deal with a variety of issues. The problem is that like any other product, a decision on whether to buy a new garage door will eventually have to be made.

The strategy to continually buy garage door products to hold off that day is what most people attempt. However, a new garage door installation is in order when a number of clear signs emerge that the door has moved from being an asset to a burden. Below are five ways to make that determination:

Higher Energy Bills

An effective garage door that’s properly insulated keeps out the cold and heat, which can be reflected in lower monthly payments for energy-related concerns. When those bills suddenly get a lot larger, that’s a pretty good indicator that problems with the door exist. The decision to buy a new garage door often ends up being the best choice in the long run, since that energy problem won’t get any better when you ignore it.

A Noisy Door

Besides offering a sense of protection from the elements and potential intruders, a quality garage door will offer a sense of serenity to your home and those of your neighbors. When that relative quiet changes to noisy openings and closings, something is clearly at fault. A combination of factors taking place simultaneously could mean having to buy garage door components like springs, hinges and rollers. If it gets to that point, the simplest option is to just go ahead with a brand new garage door installation.

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Lack of Speed

Whether you lift and close a door manually or use an opener, that garage door should be moving at a consistent rate. If delays are taking place or it becomes more of a challenge to deal with and opening or closing, that can require a repair job. Depending on exactly what the problem is, that total cost might rival simply making the decision to buy a new garage door.

More Maintenance

Many doors only have one problem taking place at a time. However, if these issues begin to establish an annoying pattern of requiring maintenance, the push for a new door will likely be stronger. That’s because it can be annoying to have to deal with one issue after another, something that’s the equivalent of being in a boat that keeps springing a new leak. By going with a new door, that problem is immediately eradicated.

Out-of-Date Look

The adage that perception is reality is something that can factor into any garage door purchase. After all, the aesthetics of that door give the overall home some good curb appeal and can be important if selling the home is anywhere on the horizon. A door that looked good two decades ago might pale in comparison to how neighbors present their residence, so it makes good sense to bolster the pride you have in your home with a contemporary door.

Texas Overhead Door can help with any garage door installation or when the need to buy garage door parts is necessary. Contact us today and let us help make your life easier.

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