5 Most Common Garage Door Repair Issues in Fort Worth

Oct 10, 14 • News10 Comments

garage door problemsA garage isn’t just a place to park your car, its where keep your outdoor items safe, where you store your tools, and maybe even work. A busted garage door can ruin your day, or at least your morning commute. Below we discuss 5 of the most common garage door repair problems people have in Fort Worth and what you can do about it.

Garage Door Doesn’t Operate

This is probably the most common problem. If your garage door isn’t opening, it could just be a dead battery on your remote, so first check to see if the wall button works and replace your remote battery.  If the issue is not the remote, you will have to go through a troubleshooting process, first checking if the opener is responsive and the motor runs and going on through to see if a cable is detached or sensor is blocked. We can walk you through a simple step-by-step process over the phone, and if it is more complicated, we’ll send one of our technicians out to solve the issue.

Loud Noises

If your garage door is making a grinding sound when it opens and closes, it most likely just requires simple garage door maintenance work. This involves tightening the nuts and bolts and lubricating the chain drive. Sometimes this is caused by an object stuck in the rails or a part that is off-balance. Either way, our technicians can fix this relatively quickly. If your garage door is just normally noisy and you want a quieter one, consider switching to a belt-driven garage door opener.

Garage Door Gets Stuck

If your garage door gets stuck halfway through closing or near the bottom, it could be an issue with the close limit switch or, it could be the rails. One way to check is releasing the door from the opener and seeing if it gets stuck when you manually try to open or close or it. Remove any debris or other obstructions that may be in the rails. If this does not solve the problem, call us for help.

See also:  Garage Door Inspection Tips for Fort Worth

Garage Door Moving too Quickly

If your garage door is opening or closing too quickly, you may have a big safety issue on your hands. Please ensure that your family and visitors stay a safe distance away until you resolve the issue. The issue may be solved as easy as adjusting the garage door opener mechanism or as crucial as the cables being broken. Schedule a service appointment with us ASAP by calling 1-800-715-8781.  Safety first!

Garage Door Reverses Near the Bottom

This is usually a result of the close force setting. The close force adjustment is a safety mechanism that pulls your door back if someone (or something) gets in the way. It can be caused by debris in the rails or on the ground, or your close force may need adjusting. Make sure the ground where the door closes is clean, check the rails near the bottom. If it still has issues, call us for service.

These are a few common garage door problems, but there are many others that may be causing your garage door to fail and function incorrectly. You may revert to online videos, a user manual, or contact Texas Overhead Doors to fix the issue. We’re here 24 hours a day and are the leading garage door company in Fort Worth and surrounding areas. Call 1-800-715-8781 today for service, or fill out our contact form online!

Call us: 1-800-715-8781

10 Responses to “5 Most Common Garage Door Repair Issues in Fort Worth”

  1. Quin Trent says:

    I’m pretty sure that these are just the 5 most common garage door repairs in more places than just Fort Worth. These are the kind of things that I can just see happening to anyone’s garage door no matter where they are. It is the fact that these are just common things that happen to garage doors in general.

  2. One garage door issue unique to Texas is the extreme hot temperatures. Older springs and springs that are used frequently will break in such hot weather. We don’t experience a lot of cold weather here, but with triple digit temps during most of the summer, our #1 service call is for broken springs in the summer.
    We suggest you never try to open the door once the torsion spring is broken– the door is too heavy and you can be injured. Call an expert: Texas Overhead Door

    • Patti, I also think that broken springs are a common problem in hot areas. My friend had to get some new springs the other week; she’s told me that typically the only problem she ever has with her garage door, though she doesn’t live in Texas. I’ve always thought that a good garage door service should have licensing and insurance. What do you think makes a good garage company?

  3. Nash Rich says:

    I remember when I was younger, my parents garaged door was so loud, and I thought that was normal. It turned out it had problems and we had to get the whole thing replaced. I’ve never heard of garage doors moving to quickly, that sounds like it could be scary. Thanks for the tips on what to look out for.

  4. I think the most common problem I have had with my garage door is having it reverse on me when it is almost down. I have gotten really good at stopping it when it happens, you just push the button again and the garage door will stop going up. Anyway, it is like you say normally some obstruction or even just dust on the sensors by the ground. So, I try to keep the eyes on the sensors clean, and when I do I have way fewer issues.

  5. I actually had a friend whose garage door broke because it was going too fast. I always thought that it was funny that it would be going too fast. I will have to look out for that with our garage door. Thanks.

  6. John Mahoney says:

    I didn’t realize that having a garage door that operated too quickly was something to watch out for. I can see that if these is the case it could cause accidents to the occupants as well as to your car. IT is important to remember that hiring someone you can trust can help you reach the peace of mind you want.

  7. Millie Hue says:

    I never knew that a garage door that moves fast can be a safety issue. Like you said, the cables might be broken, so it would be best to tell your family members to keep away from it. I guess we need to call the professionals already since my husband told me that he was able to park his car last night in just a few minutes because the garage door was faster to open last night. Thanks for the information!

  8. The garage door is very important for every home or vehicle. With some issue, you can lose your vehicle or home documents. So maintenance is very important and fixes the issue.

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