How to Get a Free Replacement Garage Remote Battery

Nov 23, 15 • Garage Door Openers, NewsNo Comments

free replacement garage remote batteryThe value that comes with having a garage remote most often comes through when inclement weather strikes. That’s because never having to set foot in miserable weather brings with it a comfort level that can be hard to top. Of course, when the battery for that remote runs out, it renders the equipment temporarily useless. That means it’s time for a replacement garage remote battery, which can be a tricky proposition when it comes to certain garage door openers. It’s not simply a case of going down to the nearest retail outlet and purchasing a regular pair of batteries.

Access to Battery Options

Even with the contemporary ease that comes with online ordering, there are important factors to take into account. For example, this equipment has to be shipped to an individual’s home, which brings with it a host of potential concerns. These relate to handling, weather conditions and whether the package in questions even arrives.

Another issue deals with the companies offering such deals. For them to stay in business, they have to make money, which means that what sounds like a deal may not always be what it appears. There may be a minimum purchase threshold, which can quickly become an annoyance.

An Energy-Sapping Product

Also, the short shelf life of these batteries means that this process can take place on a regular basis. That can become costly as well as bothersome, since trying to calculate the time and money wasted on handling this issue over and over can quickly become cringe-worthy.

Dealing with the Environment

Finally, having to deal responsibly with the environmental factors that come with batteries means that simply tossing these batteries into the trash isn’t an option. That’s because the toxicity that’s a part of each single battery can pose an ominous threat to the surrounding area where it ends up and the people tasked with handling such duties.

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In order to avoid this potential minefield, finding a place that recycles these batteries can not only be difficult, but in most cases, many people simply don’t know where to start. Having a company in place can offer peace of mind in having someone available to take these off your hands.

Expertise Will Avoid Lingering Issues

Such problems are generally avoided when regular garage door maintenance is conducted by a reputable company. That’s because they know what to look for when they handle this job, a checklist which always includes checking if a replacement garage remote battery is warranted.

In some instances, this might mean simply changing the battery, but in others, a new remote might be in order. Under a worst case scenario, this might mean that repairs to the garage door will be required. However, detecting a problem at the outset of that regular garage door maintenance can be much less expensive to repair than waiting until the door gets to a point where it needs to be replaced.

How Can You Get A Free Remote Battery?

After reading all of that, it would seem that being able to have access to a replacement that’s free of charge to the homeowner or business would be considered a godsend to a busy resident located in northern Texas. That’s especially true if a plan is already in place to have regular maintenance conducted.

Customers of Texas Overhead Door are the recipients of that value when they have any garage door maintenance or repairs done. That’s because the company has been a part of the community since 1986 and knows just how important a replacement garage remote battery can be when it comes to the torrid heat of summer and the wind that’s an ever-present issue.

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Serving the areas of Southern Fort Worth, Johnson County and Burleson, Texas Overhead makes sure that customer service is at the forefront of everything they do, which includes offering this deal. They know that providing something of value to their clientele will pay for itself in positive word of mouth.

So when the time comes to replace that remote battery for your garage door, don’t hesitate to contact Texas Overhead Door. They have the knowhow to get it done and provide an unbeatable to deal as well.

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