The Benefits of a Garage Door Tune-Up

garage door repairAre you considering an annual garage door tune-up but are not sure if will turn into a costly repair nightmare? It is unlikely that getting a garage door repair will turn into a scenario similar to dropping off a car at a mechanic’s shop, but it pays to know what you will be paying for. We can help you get a better idea with a general overview of what entails garage door maintenance or garage door repair. After you have reviewed all of the details, you will feel more confident about what to expect when you have your garage door tuned up. (more…)

LiftMaster Chain Drive Openers Now Include MyQ® Technology

MyQ Technology

Is it time for an a garage door opener upgrade? If you’re still thinking about the benefits of chain drive openers, consider LiftMaster chain drive openers, which now feature MyQ® Technology. (more…)

History of the Car Radio

Feb 16, 15 • NewsNo Comments

car radio historySeems like cars have always had radios, but they haven’t. (more…)

Garage Door Maintenance Tips for Johnson County

Feb 9, 15 • News2 Comments

garage door repair johnson countyAre you experiencing utility bills in the summer and winter that are more than you can pay? Homeowners are always looking for tips that will save them money by cutting back on utilities. However, when it comes to garage doors, it is not always easy to figure out how to be more energy efficient. We have listed a few of the best maintenance tips below that are guaranteed to save you money in the long-term and short-term. Call us and we can advise you on money savings tips for  garage door maintenance in Johnson County

. (more…)

New Garage Door Installs Include New Parts & Tracks

Jan 29, 15 • NewsNo Comments

Garage Door Repair We received a phone call today from a distraught gentleman who stated: “I’m trying to find the company that installed my new door last year. They didn’t replace my spring and tracks, only installing the door. My spring’s broken and they need to come fix it”.

New garage door installations ALWAYS includes new tracks, springs, parts and hardware.

Our staff explained that we always remove all old tracks and old doors and hardware. (more…)

Cleburne Garage Door Repair Guide

Jan 19, 15 • Home Improvements, NewsNo Comments

cleburne garage door repairIf you dread doing home maintenance, chances are that your garage door is suffering from not getting the regular tuneups it needs. One of the main reasons you will want to invest in these chores is due to the large amount of cash you will save on utility bills. Of course, if you do not want to do these repairs yourself, a Cleburne garage door repair technician will be happy to help get them done for you. (more…)

Tarrant County Garage Door Repair Guide

Jan 5, 15 • Home Improvements, NewsNo Comments

Tarrant Count Garage Door RepairWhen you own a garage door, it is common to not think about it until it starts having problems operating. When it stops working, suddenly you are aware that it is an essential part of your home’s daily operations. We’ve created this handy guide for garage door  repair basics for Tarrant County homeowners.

To get a better understanding of what you can expect from preventative inspections (more…)

Garage Door Inspection Tips for Fort Worth

Dec 15, 14 • General, NewsNo Comments

fort worth garage door inspectionNo one thinks about their garage door functioning properly until it stops working. Only then do most homeowners realize how a garage door keeps your home safe, makes your life more convenient, and is part of what makes the exterior of your home beautiful. To keep it in good working order, having a regular garage door inspection is vital. It does not take much of your time or energy, and it helps to ensure you do not need to risk going without one. If you are curious about Fort Worth garage door repairs, keep reading. (more…)

Which Garage Door Opener is Right for You?

Oct 28, 14 • NewsNo Comments

which garage doorStandard garage door openers come in three common types – screw drive, chain and belt driven. Texas Overhead Door has chosen not to sell screw drive openers because the lack of quality performance.

Whether you’re upgrading, replacing a broken unit, or adding an opener to a new garage door, this handy guide will help you sort out the differences. When you’re ready to decide, call Texas Overhead Door and we’ll be happy to install a new Liftmaster unit for your garage. (more…)

5 Most Common Garage Door Repair Issues in Fort Worth

Oct 10, 14 • News10 Comments

garage door problemsA garage isn’t just a place to park your car, its where keep your outdoor items safe, where you store your tools, and maybe even work. A busted garage door can ruin your day, or at least your morning commute. Below we discuss 5 of the most common garage door repair problems people have in Fort Worth and what you can do about it. (more…)